Wound Care Specialists, Podiatrists, Foot & Ankle Surgeons in Bridgewater, Denville, Hillsborough, Little Falls, Newton, Plainfield, Vernon, Roselle Park, Princeton & Fair Lawn, NJ
Our Board-Certified, World-Class Surgeons, offer the latest and most comprehensive treatment for ALL Foot, Ankle, and Leg Wounds. Since we treat ALL Foot, Ankle, and Leg problems both medically and surgically, we are VERY familiar with what specific treatment will work for you. We have also partnered with industry leading Regenerative Technology Companies that produce a wide range of bespoke skin grafts to close ulcers and wounds quicker and more effectively. The number of different skin grafts we have offer is second to none, and allows for a more comprehensive treatment and better outcomes. The goal is to close the wounds quickly and safely so you can get back to doing the things you enjoy!
Organogenesis Grafts:
PuraPly AM
PuraPly XT
Cygnus Dual
Via Matrix
Stability Biologics (Surgilogix):
Amnivore Pro+
Smith & Nephew
Grafix Plus
Amputation Prevention
Our Doctors are experts in the management of complicated non healing wounds. They both are fully trained in wound management and employ a full range of treatment options for complex wounds. The patient and their wound are completely evaluated to determine why they are not healing. This includes evaluation of circulation, sensation, infection, edema (swelling), nutrition, medical problems, foot / ankle/ leg deformities that are causing delayed healing of the wound. The doctors employ the most advanced wound care products to heal your wound, including proper antibiotic management and off loading of the wound with casts, orthotics, bracing, shoes, pads, etc).
If wounds are not healing despite non operative treatments, then surgical treatments may be recommended. Both physicians perform a wide variety of limb salvage procedures ranging from simple skin grafting procedures and local tissue flap repairs to advanced limb salvage techniques such as: Charcot foot/ ankle reconstruction and complex foot amputations. We use the most advanced would healing graft products on the market today. These are manufactured graft products that are applied to the wound without the need to harvest skin from the patient. These products have a remarkable ability to aid in the healing of a stubborn wound.